We’re not in control of all things.

The saying “When you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you have lost” is a powerful reminder that our actions have consequences, and that we have the power to shape our own lives and destinies. It encourages us to take action, to pursue our desires and goals with determination and perseverance, and to avoid lamenting over lost opportunities.

At its core, this saying is about taking responsibility for our own lives. It reminds us that we are the masters of our own fate, and that we have the power to create the life we want for ourselves. When we fail to take action, when we fail to fight for what we want, we are essentially giving up our power and allowing life to happen to us. This can lead to feelings of regret, disappointment, and even despair.

On the other hand, when we take action, when we fight for what we want, we are actively shaping our lives and creating the future we desire. This can lead to feelings of empowerment, confidence, and satisfaction. We may not always get what we want, but the mere act of trying can bring us a sense of fulfillment and pride.

But what does it mean to “fight” for what we want? Does it mean that we have to be aggressive, confrontational, or even ruthless in our pursuit of our goals? Not necessarily. Fighting for what we want can take many forms, from setting clear boundaries and standing up for ourselves, to pursuing our passions and interests with dedication and determination. It’s about being proactive, taking initiative, and making things happen.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that not everything is within our control. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we may not get what we want. This is where the second part of the saying comes in: “don’t cry for what you have lost.” This doesn’t mean that we should suppress our emotions or deny our feelings. It means that we should learn to let go, to move on, and to focus on the present moment.

Crying over lost opportunities can be a natural response, but it can also be a waste of time and energy. Instead of dwelling on the past, we can choose to learn from our experiences, to grow and evolve, and to focus on the future. We can choose to see setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as reasons to give up or give in.

In conclusion, the saying “When you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you have lost” is a powerful reminder of the importance of taking action, of pursuing our desires and goals with determination and perseverance, and of letting go of the past and focusing on the present. It’s a call to embrace our power, to take responsibility for our lives, and to create the future we desire. So let us fight for what we want, and let us do so with courage, passion, and determination. And if we don’t get what we want, let us not cry, but instead, let us learn, grow, and move on.


Less not give up✍️✍️we keep on learning
And as me wen I feel stressed I jxt listen and read yo healing words instead of crying
Thx princess of hearts

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