Be careful who or what you throw away. It might be the answer to your prayer. It might have value but you will lose the benefit when you give it up.
Be careful who or what you throw away. Some things when discarded will never return. One person’s trash is another one’s treasure.
Am talking to you that’s comparing your spouse or partner to others and forever wishing you are the ones living their lives, be careful who or what you throw away. You might never get it back as it might be more valuable than you think.
You man/woman that is never satisfied and always looking for a way out of every relationship, be mindful of what you toss away, and be careful what you throw away.
Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Think hard before walking away from what doesn’t look like a blessing. If however you are done living in silent hell, be strong enough to walk away from what’s hurting you, and be patient enough to wait for the blessings you deserve.
God will never abandon you. He is with you always. People may come in and out of your life but God never will, you can always depend on him & aswell make use of your brain not to just make rush decicions,and when done with one relationship,don’t just grab another right away,give yourself time away from relationships as you focus on self love.
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