Photo by: Khalphonix

To you my dear beloved ladies and gentlemen, what kept me thinking last night was the word “principled”
To the ladies,girls, women mothers,gents, boys and men you will not succeed in this life and will never achieve all your goals like you have always dreamt to do. ..why am I saying this? It’s because some of you tend to be the “YES” kind of people all time. ..someone tells you “I love you” and you don’t feel the same way they do and you just feel pity for them and say. ..”let me just help him, let me accept him/her only because of the money they have, for the way they look and dress” sweetheart, where do you think you are to endup with this manner? ?

Someone comes up to you during the course of the week and says “Iryn, let’s go out for fish at beach today” and all you do is say “yes” like you have no timetable to follow on your own. …people are going to take you for granted honey! Letting them come and tell you to go out just like that. ..As much as we may all like going out, going for fish at beach, I know most of us even take long without eating the fish , you have done it this/for the past weekend am sure. ..yes. who is even reading this message. .okay. .I request it to be the last time you behave this way and next time I expect you to answer like this. .”Well, you want to take me for fish at beach today, but it wasn’t part of my time table, My time table says something different today, but maybe next time or next week I’ll be glad if you inform me earlier so I can fix time for us” even if you have nothing you are going to do but maybe just to sleep and watch movies the whole day, that’s just enough to show this person that you are a lady/gent of principles and in this case they will choose to stay your friends or go but am sure some will understand you and love you the way you are not what you pretend to be in order to please them. ..A little self respect wouldn’t hurt! I ♥ you all. .keep principled.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Your daily dose of inspiration/motivation/empowerment/love/life/transformation-


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