1. You both are strong individuals with firm identities
  2. You both have a healthy self-esteem functioning with self-confidence
  3. You both are secure enough not to diminish each other’s shine but help each other to be the best
  4. Your coming together as a couple has a positive impact on the people around you. You are a blessing to people individually and together
  5. You both speak life to each other, to your children, to those around you. You are not gossips or negative talkers, you speak positive decrees
  1. You both are striving to be whole emotionally, spiritually, sexually, financially, physically and professionally
  2. You both have a joint vision and pursue it passionately
  3. You both value what you have enough to protect it with no apologies
  4. You both are raising children who will be champions with great destinies
  5. You both sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron and have given each other authority to keep each other accountable
  6. You both are prayer warriors and the spiritual realm knows you two to speak in God’s name
  7. You both are growing your influence to shape society and leave a mark, not merely exist
  8. You both are admired by others because of the value you add to lives
  9. You both work as a team with God at the centre. A chord of three is not easily broken
  10. You both are solution providers and not problem bringers. Your presence signifies that things will be better
  11. You don’t live a marriage of pity but a marriage of purpose

Are you a power couple?

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