1.Stay faithful to your spouse.
2.Keep communication between you two live . share . converse.
3.Touch your spouse, candle. This communicates affection.
4.Pray for and with your spouse. Work with God.
5.Make love to your spouse. Sexually please your spouse.
6.Make time for your spouse. Make your spouse a priority.
7.Check on your spouse.Be concerned about the state of your spouse.
8.Respect your spouse.
9.Protect your spouse from harm, insults, slander/shame.
10.Keep your marriage vows.

11.Make your spouse happy.Have fun.
12.Sleep on the same bed. Share the intimacy of sleep.
13.Consult your spouse before making decisions. You two are a team.
14.Eat often with your spouse.Food brings people together.
15.Grow together spiritually.
16.Dont hold grudges. Forgive your spouse.
17.Avoid pride and selfishness.Apologise when you are wrong.
18.Keep a good public reputation . Bring honour to your marriage.

  1. Don’t flirt with others. Focus on your spouse.
  2. Say “I love you”.Re-affirm your spouse constantly.
  1. Better yourself. Grow in wisdom character.
  2. Listen to your spouse. Be a confidant.
  3. Care .Be Your spouse’s strength when he /she is weak.
  4. Work on your marriage.Narture your home together. Don’t be lazy.

“Your daily dose of inspiration/empowerment/love/life/transformation.” –IRYNThePrincessOfHearts

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