Yes,I know you have been too heart broken when it comes to love relationships,this has made you a victim of depression,loneliness,you have felt like there must be something wrong with you,you have felt unloved,you have felt unwanted and rejected by so many people out there and all you think is life has come to an end for you ,you look at everything as useless.
Even if marriage refused to work out,please don’t give up, If a relationship refused to work out, still don’t give up,just calm yourself down and don’t immediately rush into a new relationship (this is where many go wrong). You can live a beautiful single life other than rushing from one relationship to another that fast. Yes,I repeat, you can live a beautiful single life.
Don’t be a loser,Don’t give up yet before you meet new amazing people out there…They are there just that they’ve taken long to meet you anyway, I am sure you are going to ask “why they are not meeting you as fast as you wish” the answer is here: If you wish to have beautiful things, it requires hard work and patience…These things of GOD require patience as you try and pray aswell. If you are one who wasn’t beaten up or educated about impatience, train yourself now…These or this one amazing person could have delayed to get to you perhaps GOD is saving you from something, maybe the time you wish to meet this person is not perfect for it to happen for GOD has already seen that you may not enjoy them during that time but some other time that he has planned.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Only give up when you die….only the dead have given up. No one will write your destiny. It must be you.
#In partnership with #PrincessOfHeartsLifeTouchOrganisation, feel free to donate something aslong as it comes from the heart to reach out to the unprivileged and needy that are heartbroken, having inner pain and need a touch in life…you can donate basic needs, scholastic materials, clothing. You can aswell sponsor our ongoing voluntary school counseling and guidance project this year.

Photo by Thirdman on

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