Photo by Iryn Hearts Media

You cant blame someone for walking away if you dint do anything to make them stay..what will keep you regretting in this life is you not trying harder to fight for the one you love but leting them go just like that because you think you have it all..nobody has it all….and the worst thing will be you claiming I wish..well, sometimes a few things especially when it comes to love need to just be made right,understood,and given sometime for you will find someone with over 5 of 10 qualities that your dream partner should have but you let them go because they don’t make the 10…really! If someone bears 5 of the 10 qualities you need then why not thank God for those 5 he/she hers and with love work on the other 5???

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Think wisely because with love,understanding and patience a woman or man is able to change or even develop the rest of the qualities they din’t have…Instead of demanding your girlfriend for a baby all the time and make her hate the whole relationship thing..just shower her with love, patience and trust me as time goes by she will be the one to say…”Honey, I want us to have a baby what do you think?” Things just don’t happen by singing them time to time…..This has killed a number of relationships…stop making life hard for your partners with demand…It doesn’t mean that by the time you want a baby and they say they aren’t ready yet they will never be ready…time is coming but they are revising a few things about the father of their children to be…so…don’t let good things go just like that because you are in a rush I don’t know to where??you will land on someone who will accept to give you the baby but not babies and she will not settle with you …just because you see your fellow OBs and OGs have given birth shouldn’t make you thimk time is passing or its supposed to be you next…

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God is the one that gives children and only him knows the perfect timing for you…just hold on, relax, and pray harder. “Learn how some issues can be handled with love”

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