Have you ever wanted to break up with someone but you don’t because you feel sorry for them, you are afraid they might commit suicide, you think they will suffer without you or you feel that right now is not the best time because they don’t have money or they are struggling?

Have you ever wanted to end your marriage to someone who beats you up, mistreats you, repeatedly cheats on you but then you don’t because you feel sorry for how they will suffer if you are to leave?

There are many people who are staying in destructive relationships and marriages out of pity. If you are such a person, there are a few things you need to know.

  1. The more you stay, the more complicated things are getting. You are making it harder for yourself to leave as you sink deeper in the hole
  2. The more you stay, the more you are forgetting about you. As you stay because of pity for the person, no one is looking out for you. Soon, you will begin to feel sorry for yourself and why you stayed, especially after you have wasted so many years, chances and opportunities. Some people, because of staying out of feeling sorry for others, they take years to find themselves
  3. Love should be mutual. When you are in a relationship that is disjointed, adding no value to you and where you are always the giver; it will drain you and waste you
  4. When you reward guilt tripping it will be used against you to keep you in prison. The person who is blackmailing you to stay with them has learnt the formula of trapping you and he/she will keep playing the victim, threatening you and scaring you to stay no matter how much it hurts you. Since you allow yourself to stay in prison, you have lost your power
  5. Marriage is not a charity project. Do not marry or stay married for charity
  6. Your staying is keeping the person from growing. Stop being a crutch, as long as you are there, the person you are feeling sorry for will not address his/her personal issues. You are distracting the person from making some tough choices that will lead to growth. maryirene110@gmail.com To support content : +256702043313

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